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New costing tool helps sharpen crop breeding investments
EiB news | Adam Hunt | 2/12/2021
Maize breeders visit a KALRO research station in Kiboko, Kenya (Source: KALRO) Traditionally, many public national breeding programs have not prioritized the costing of their...
To meet breeding targets, we must be willing to change: EiB’s 2021 Virtual Meeting
EiB news | Misha Nicholas | 2/12/2021
As the CGIAR and NARES breeding community push towards increased genetic gains and reducing the weighted average age of varieties, the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding’s (EiB) 2021 Virtual...
Breeding’s African food security contribution is a numbers game: EiB at APBA
EiB news | Misha Nicholas | 4/11/2021
Photo Credit: IRRI. CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) informatics lead Young Wha Lee understands that breeding "has always been — and still is — a numbers game." Lee and her EiB colleagues recently...
Five ways crop breeding can benefit rural women
Opinion | Misha Nicholas | 12/10/2021
A woman cassava farmer in the Northern Region of Ghana. Credit: Neil Palmer (CIAT) Too often, agricultural progress is inhibited by innovations designed by and for men. But what would happen if women were involved in design and development? One aspect of...
National breeding institutes deliver initial program costing at in-person training course
EiB news | Adam Hunt | 6/10/2021
NARES course participants cost out aspects of their program using the UQ costing tool. A new costing tool is helping national breeding programs get the...
Access to genetic analysis accelerates banana breeding in East Africa
Impact | Sam Storr | 30/9/2021
This story is also available in Amharic: View it here.Research at the Musa sp. nursery at IITA-Kampala (Brigitte Uwimama). Banana producers face many pests and diseases that affect their crop, such as Panama disease caused by soil fungi,...
How can I optimize my breeding scheme?
Tool release | Sam Storr | 1/9/2021
The basic science underlying the process of genetic improvement in crops is now well-understood, if not widely applied. EiB applies these quantitative principles to develop practical advice and guides to help breeders optimize their programs.The goal of breeding scheme optimization is to...
CGIAR Annual Performance Report 2020 now available online
Partner news | | 1/8/2021
The COVID-19 pandemic made 2020 a challenging year, placing considerable strain on global food systems. A new online report, CGIAR Annual Performance Report 2020: Growing Resilience for a Better Future, details how CGIAR worked with partners...
Opinion | | 26/7/2021
This opinion piece published in Frontiers in Plant Science briefly presents the breeder's equation and highlights the terms that can be manipulated to increase...
Crops to End Hunger: Accelerating Seed Delivery through Sustainable Seed Systems
Partner news | | 25/7/2021
This morning, in a virtual panel discussion organized by Agrilinks, a group of breeding and seed experts from the private and public sectors reviewed the ideas presented in a recent White Paper...