Recorded: June 8, 2021
For: CGIAR/ NARS breeding programs and breeding operations specialists
Watch the webinar:
BOND Launch (25 mins): Breeding operations teams are vital for ensuring programs deliver the varieties needed by smallholder farmers. There are many good practices being adopted; it's time to share and collaborate. Join CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) for the launch of BOND -- the Breeding Operations Network for Development (BOND), and learn:
BOND vision as a “CoP with teeth,” supporting and connecting breeding operations specialists
Plans for webinars, capacity development, resources and connections with colleagues
Webinar (95 mins): Following the launch will be the webinar, “Breeding operations at IITA & Seed production/processing at Bayer” from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the Bayer Crop Science teams, with overviews of their management principles, practices and opportunities. Followed by Q&A.
Presenters: Gustavo Teixeira (EiB) / Alick Mulenga (IITA) / Gawie Groenewald (Bayer Crop Science)
Queries: Contact EiB's Gustavo Teixeira: G.TEIXEIRA (a) cgiar.org
More about BOND: excellenceinbreeding.org/BOND
Special thanks: to EiB project funders including Crops to End Hunger, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the United States Agency for International Development, GIZ/BMZ Germany, ACIAR Australia, and our presenters and partners.