Aug 3, 2021: 8am-10:30am Mexico City / 1-3:30pm Accra / 4-6:30pm Nairobi
CGIAR breeding leaders / CGIAR breeding teams / NARS breeding teams / BOND members / interested experts
CGIAR breeding leaders are strongly encouraged to attend!
Join us as the Corteva team presents concepts of centralized operations, with seed production as an example, in the context of their current breeding structure including benefits, opportunities and challenges they faced to in implementation.
After Corteva's presentations EiB team will coordinate a panel and breakout sessions promoting open discussions among key CGIAR leaders on the implications of centralization, and how to apply the learning from industry in the context of OneCGIAR.
AGENDA: Gustavo Teixeira & Young Wha Lee, EiB)
- Geoff Graham, Corteva: Intro to the EiB-Corteva Collaboration, transformation of Breeding during the last 10 years, importance of standard nomenclature and process to allow centralization at all levels for driving this transformation: emphasis on organization evolution.
- Tom Sauber, Corteva: Seed production and distribution. Critical connection with overall strategy. Importance of seed production coordination on a global system. Experimental planning, resource distribution: emphasis on planning and Logistics.
- Jose Luis Hernandez, Corteva: Off Season and accelerated seed production. Managing the demand of the system. Managing a global system. Industrialization of the process: emphasis on execution.
- One CGIAR panel discussion: what can we learn from industry experiences on the benefits and risks of centralization for breeding modernization? Panel includes (TBC):
- Corteva leadership
- Michael Quinn EiB
- Young Wha Lee, EiB
- Sharifah Shahrul, IRRI
- Breakout room discussions: Participants meet in smaller groups to discuss lessons learned today, and develop recommendations for One CGIAR leadership
RECORDING & SLIDES: Due to presenter policies, we are not able to make these public, but please contact g.teixeira (a) cgiar.org for information on the learnings.