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ViTSel supports selection in breeding by visualizing results of multi-environmental, multi-trait analysis. Join us for a demo of the tool's features and discussion of its use.
There are already various tools to run statistical analysis on raw data after breeders accomplished the evaluation of performances of genotypes in a single or group of environments. Outputs of these analyses are usually descriptive statistics, BLUPS/BLUES, heritability, etc. But how to consider and combine these outputs in a single interface to allow breeders after running analytics to quickly (and easily) make a decision?
ViTSel, an R/Shiny based interactive visualization application has an answer. ViTSel meets specialized needs for Breeders to investigate and visualize Genotype by Environment interaction (GxE). This tool is designed to be a decision support tool to ease selection. By adopting it, breeders can use different defined criteria to quickly identify the best genotypes that match those criteria using an interactive and user-friendly interface.
Date of recording: Mon Nov. 23, 2020
Presenter: Ibnou Dieng, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
Organized for: Breeders from crop improvement programs --- NARS, CGIAR, and Advanced Centers.
Organized by: IITA/EiB. ViTSel is jointly developed by AfricaRice Data Integration and Biometrics Unit, CIMMYT Biometrics and Statistics Unit, and IITA Biometrics Unit.