January 31, 2023 to February 1, 2023
The 2023 Enterprise Breeding System (EBS) Town Hall will be held in two identical sessions covering different time zones (click to register):
Option 1. January 31, 2023. 8AM Mexico / 2PM GMT
Option 2. February 1, 2023. 11AM Philippines / 3AM GMT.
The goal of the Town Hall is to bring together both those using the EBS and those who wish to learn about it, members of the breeding informatics network and EBS staff.
The Town Hall will cover topics including:
- Current capabilities of the EBS in use by CGIAR breeding programs, and highlights from the next release in early 2023.
- Demo of some of the features and capabilities of EBS
- How we will deliver our goal of a single cloud-based platform as a service, and what that will mean for Centres that have adopted EBS and those interested in implementation
- Experiences from Centres that have recently adopted EBS
- The future of EBS within One CGIAR with the EBS organization going from project to operational unit
Short description:
Join us to learn what the EBS is capable of, how and when more breeding programs will be able to adopt it, and the future of breeding IT in CGIAR breeding networks.