November 19, 2020
Date held: November 19, 2020
Organized for: NARS breeding programs in E. Africa, other interested breeders and leaders
Organized by: CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB), Accelerating Genetic Gains (AGG), along with partners MAIZE, CIMMYT and more
Driving Genetic Gain through selection is at the core of every successful plant breeding program. In this webinar targeting national breeding programs in Africa, EiB will explain the concepts behind genetic gain; introduce tools and approaches to measure genetic gain; provide real examples from a national program in East Africa.
Watch a recording of the webinar:
Powerpoint slides (PDF links):
- Genetic Gains Overview
- Genetic Gains - Private Sector Perspective
- CIMMYT/MAIZE Genetic Gains in Africa
- EiB manual: Genetic gain as a high-level key performance indicator (PDF)
- EiB manual: Estimating surrogates of genetic value (PDF)
- EiB breeding scheme optimization manuals
•Opening remarks from CIMMYT Global Maize Program Director, Dr. Prasanna
•Principles of Genetic Gain
•Approaches and tools to measure genetic gain
•East Africa case study
•Presenters include: EiB’s Young Hwa Lee, Giovanny Covarrubias-Pazaran
•Facilitators/Hosts: Bish Das, EiB. Dan Makumbi, CIMMYT
Queries: Contact EiB's Bish Das: B.DAS@cgiar.org
Special thanks: to EiB and AGG project funders including Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, the United States Agency for International Development and the Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (FFAR), and to our presenters and partners.
Short description:
Driving Genetic Gain through selection is at the core of every successful plant breeding program. In this webinar targeting national breeding programs in Africa, EiB will explain the concepts behind genetic gain; introduce tools and approaches to measure genetic gain; provide real examples from a national program in East Africa.