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Low-cost access to world class genotyping services for CGIAR and partner breeding centers working on the majority of CGIAR mandate crops.
Android application to scan barcodes and compare against imported list of entries.
Formats to assess status, targets and identify action items.
Gustavo Teixeira
R programs for biodiversity analysis of molecular data.
Ángela Pacheco, Gregorio Alvarado, Francisco Rodríguez, Juan Burgueño
Software to simplify the selection of input files and parameters to perform bayesian generalized linear regression using R
Francisco Rodríguez, Paulino Pérez, Gustavo de los Campos, Gregorio Alvarado, Ángela Pacheco, José Crossa, Juan Burgueño
Software to simplify the selection of input files and parameters to perform spatial multi-environment trial analysis using R and ASReml
Francisco Rodríguez, Gregorio Alvarado, Ángela Pacheco, José Crossa, Juan Burgueño
META-R is a set of R programs that perform statistical analyses to calculate BLUEs, BLUPs, and genetic correlations for breeding trials.
Gregorio Alvarado, Marco López, Mateo Vargas, Ángela Pacheco, Francisco Rodríguez, Juan Burgueño, José Crossa
Android application for phenotypic data collection in the field. Part of the PhenoApps collection.
Trevor Rife, Jesse Poland