The Enterprise Breeding System’s (EBS) Breeding Analytics, Data Management, and Software Development (BDS) cluster at the International Rice Research Institute Headquarters (IRRI HQ) sent select members to attend the Philippine Society for Talent Development’s (PSTD) three-day Training Facilitation Certification Program held in Pasig City from 3 to 5 October 2023.

In anticipation of EBS adoption activities in 2024, the training aims to further develop the facilitation skills of key team members involved in training and overall user support. EBS is currently on the move to onboard more crop research centers and National Agricultural Research and Extension Systems (NARES) partners.

EBS-BDS team members attend a training of trainers
EBS-BDS team members attend a training of trainers

Data managers, Michael Reyes and Ricardo Apolinario, Jr., and BDS Administrative Coordinator, Renz Fuentes, attended the training as part of their professional development. They were joined by participants from other private organizations.

EBS Data managers participate in the training of trainers
EBS Data managers participate in the training of trainers
EBS Data managers participate in the training of trainers
EBS Data managers participate in the training of trainers

The training provided in-depth coverage on the concepts and theories, including deductive and inductive methods on training presentation and facilitation. The BDS team representatives actively participated in hands-on activities individually and in their respective groups. This included demonstrating their current speaking and facilitation skills. Participants were also challenged to present their own topics on the last day of the session. Reyes delivered a topic on staying motivated while working from home. Apolinario and Fuentes discussed ChatGPT and Jira Software, respectively.

Renz Fuentes presenting his outputs in the training of trainers
Renz Fuentes presenting his outputs in the training of trainers

Development of EBS is guided by the needs of its users, both current and future. 
If you are interested in EBS, we want to hear from you! 

© 2020 International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT)