Seven researchers from the group were trained on navigating EBS tools and features aligned with GTL workflows and participated in discussions ensuring that GTL workflows are covered by EBS.
The EBS Data Management (DM) group facilitated the lectures on EBS concepts and tools of the Core Breeding and Service Management domains. The data managers demonstrated how to create plant transformation, hybridization, generation nursery, screening, and trialing experiments using EBS. Topics on data collection, quality checking, system harvest, and inventory management were also covered. They also briefly trained the researchers on creating shipment transactions. The researchers and data managers also discussed how they can address different GTL-experiment-specific requirements.
The training workshop aimed to kickstart the use of EBS to store and manage GTL experiments and research data. Aside from the lectures, they were also able to navigate the tools and processes through activities.

At the end of the training, the DM group presented the three-month monitoring plan that was agreed upon by the GTL team to keep track of their EBS adoption. Particularly, the researchers are expected to create and manage GTL experiments, collect and upload data using the FieldBook mobile app, and harvest transgenic and genome-edited materials. The data managers will review the progress of the researchers and coordinate with them periodically.
A separate training on FieldBook also took place last November 10. Aside from the GTL researchers, seven technicians from the same group were taught how to transfer data files to and from FieldBook and record data through the app.
The training, among other trainings conducted by the DM group, is aligned with the goal of enjoining breeding teams to create, store, and manage their experiment data in EBS—as specified in the data management policy of the Institute.