Get ready for EBS

Adopting a comprehensive breeding data management system such as EBS is a significant undertaking. The Breeding Research Services works with breeding programs to help them document their workflows and start preparing their data for integration into EBS.

To get ready for EBS adoption, check that your breeding program is working towards meeting the requirements below, and get in touch with us using the link at the bottom.

Do you have..?


Breeding program leadership is supportive and engaged.

Early adopters

Breeders and teams who are ready to use a new system.

Defined workflows

Breeding workflows are documented and standard operating procedures are in use.

Data curators

Support staff to help curate and migrate new data into the system.


To drive adoption and share adoption metrics with EiB.

Data manager

...or a key contact to coordinate data curation, training and adoption with EiB.

Adoption stages

Stage 1

With leadership support, early adopters and a data manager or key contact are identified. A plan is developed and the project begins!

Stage 2

Operational data is identified and a migration plan developed. Sample data is migrated for evaluation.

Breeding workflows are documented and standard operating procedures adopted.

Stage 3

Migration is completed and key staff (early adopters, data managers, future trainers) are trained on the system.

Stage 4

Users are given access to a production system and any legacy systems are turned off.

EBS is used for data-driven decision-making.

Stage 5

Your breeding program takes over!  You start tracking your progress and keeping your users up-to-date on new features.

Get involved

There are a number of ways that you can get involved in EBS and contribute directly to requirements. For instance, you can provide input into analytics and decision support at the EiB Breeding Informatics Network (BrIN) meetings. Please send a request to join this team, or provide other input into EBS through the EiB helpdesk contact

For developers

EBS is an open-source project hosted on bitbucket at  Access to the demo environment is available by request here.  EBS is built to run on Amazon Web Services and has multiple APIs including partial BrAPI support.  If you are interested in contributing, please submit a pull request or contact the development team using the EBS Support Desk.