EBS 2024 Q3

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EBS 2024 Q3 release notes

Developments from July to September 2024 highlights several features for the EBS Q3 version. The Breeding Analytics' Statistical Design Models supported the improved non-sparse trial designs that are used in Core Breeding’s Experiment Creation tool. An improved user interface for the genotyping workflow is also implemented for three tools in Service Management, while Core System upgraded the role-based access control (RBAC) for improved data security.

Developments from July to September 2024 highlights several features for the EBS Q3 version. The Breeding Analytics’ Statistical Design Models supported the improved non-sparse trial designs that are used in Core Breeding’s Experiment Creation tool. An improved user interface for the genotyping workflow is also implemented for three tools in Service Management, while Core System upgraded the role-based access control (RBAC) for improved data security.

Breeding Analytics

Several non-sparse trial designs can now be used in the new user interface of Core Breeding’s Experiment Creation, made possible by the Statistical Design Models. Purity testing by internal consensus is now supported in the Molecular Data Analysis tool, where results and statistics are featured. This tool is integrated with the Service Management domain, where it gets the genotyping results to work with. Soon, the Purity testing by external match will also be enabled. Finally, the user interface across all tools is made more compact and responsive based on the device used.

Core Breeding

The new Breeding Program Manager tool is featured to manage and connect experiments and germplasm to CGIAR breeding pipelines. This is currently available for EBS administrators. Similarly, admins can now also add other names to germplasm via the Germplasm Coding feature in the Germplasm tool. On the other hand, regular users can now update the status, quantity, unit, and facility for a package record—permissions that were previously exclusive to administrators.

Data capture is digitalized as the latest version of the Field Book app is now BrAPI-enabled and the post harvest feature is now implemented in the Data Collection tool. More harvest use cases has been enabled for the soybean and cowpea programs. Additionally, breeders and researchers can now use the new interface for Experiment Creation’s Design tab, as well as update the location of an occurrence in Experiment Manager.

Core System

Data browsers across tools in this domain now feature audit information that show revision and creation history for transactions. RBAC is also upgraded to ensure that a user’s access to tools, data, and services are defined by the assigned roles and permissions. With this, access to Core Breeding tools can now be defined up to the action-level. The Workflow Management tool also improved the workflow for creating outgoing shipments for users at International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT).

Service Management

Users of the domain’s tools can expect a better user interface in terms of overall style and responsiveness. The genotyping workflow is enhanced with a messaging feature available to requestors and lab members, default marker and assay for fixed marker groups, and standardized batch, plate, and sample codes. An improved validation for request status and batch details are also implemented after changes, such as deletion, is made.

More information on the EBS 2024 Q3 version is available in each domain’s respective pages in the EBS Production Release Notes space.

For questions, suggestions, or concerns, please file a support ticket via the EBS Support Desk. We look forward to hearing from you!

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