Core Breeding
Experiment Creation
Experiment creation now supports quicker workflows using new toolbar buttons that allow for bulk management of entries, replicates, crosses, and occurrences. Two new designs are enabled for Breeding Trial experiments with the status of On-Farm Trial (OFT). Package records from the Seed Search tool can now also be added directly to newly-created experiments.
Tab updates
Entry List
- Add multiple entries faster and more easily via Input List and Copy Entry List.
- Update and delete entries from your list as needed.
- Adding package records from the Seed Search tool’s working list to your current experiment is now supported.
- Germplasm names are properly and correctly displayed in full.
- Download your entry list with seed and package details for offline reference.
Planting Arrangement
- Add blocks and assign entries to them seamlessly via new functionalities (buttons).
- Choose entries quicker using selection and sorting options.
- Define number of replicates for each entry or in bulk using the new Number of Replicates column.
- Access the Working List browser via the new Manage Entry Reps button.
- View the number of replicates in the Replicate column in the Working List browser.
- Selecting, reordering, and assigning replicates to blocks are now enabled in the Working List browser.
- Manage blocks better by adding remarks to each block and seeing full layout previews.
- Two new designs are available for Breeding Trial experiments with the status of On-Farm Trial (OFT): RCBD | OFT and
- Incomplete Block OFT.
- Improved functionalities in the Partially Replicated (P-Rep) trial design interface.
- Use the same interface when adding crosses either through the Crosses Tab in the Experiment Creation tool or in the new Cross Manager tool.
- Add crosses faster in the Input Crosses text area by clicking the parents to be paired.
- Defining cross method in Wheat crops is improved.
- Units of measurement are now displayed when defining plot dimensions in a planting protocol.
- Users will now be notified when plot dimensions are not specified for a plot type.
- Occurrences whose sites have not been identified yet can now be separately displayed using improved filter options.
Experiment Manager
Basic access to shared experiments is now supported for collaborators. Other program-specific data can now also be downloaded along with location and trait files for use in the Field book application prior to data collection. A new status of “Trait data collected” is also shown when at least one trait has been collected for newly-created occurrences. This tool also redirects to the new Cross Manager tool when viewing cross lists.
Cross Manager (NEW)
This new tool allows users to easily create and manage cross lists whose parents may come from other experiments. Various notifications were enabled to track the progress of featured functionalities in the tool. Auto-populated fields are also supported for ease of use.
Tab updates
Cross list browser
- Be notified when nominating a similar cross list name with an existing one.
- Status of cross lists are updated and displayed in real-time.
- Users can also harvest seeds and print tags.
Add parents
- Add and choose parents from occurrence lists
- Display progress indicator when adding parents
Manage parents
- Update parent information in bulk.
- Selecting parents to be deleted is now enabled, provided that these have not been used in any cross list.
- Progress indicator for updating or deleting parents in bulk is now displayed.
- Details of selected parents can now be exported.
Add crosses
- View male and female parent lists in separate browsers on the same tab.
- Pair parents to be crossed in the Cross Input Text Area by ticking their checkboxes or using their entry codes.
- Self crosses can now be done quickly using the new Self button.
Manage crosses
- Filter, sort, update, and remove crosses as needed.
- Crosses whose methods have not been specified yet can now be separately displayed using improved filter options.
- Auto-population of hybrid crosses in maize and wheat, as well as hybrid seed production in rice, are now supported.
- Specific cross methods in rice, maize, and wheat are now auto-populated.
- Review pertinent details before finalizing a cross list.
Harvest Manager
New harvest methods were enabled for maize and wheat experiments. New crossing methods for rice, maize, and wheat can now also be harvested. Grain color in wheat crosses can now be encoded, while derivative names for rice backcrosses are now automatically generated. This milestone update also lets users view numeric variables even for uncommitted experiments, as well as generate harvest tags for printing even with no packages yet.
Germplasm (NEW)
While searching for germplasm records can be done in other EBS tools, the new Germplasm tool provides a dedicated space for creating, searching, and managing germplasm records.
Tab updates
- Three different ways of searching for germplasm records are supported.
- Customized views are also available via filter and sort options.
- Details of germplasm, seed, and package records can also be viewed for reference.
- This tab is limited to administrators’ use.
- Uploading, validating, and editing of germplasm records are enabled.
- New germplasm, seed, and package records can now be created after a validated upload is finished.
- Deleting a germplasm record is supported if it has no seed or package record and if it has not been used in an entry list.
Other updates
- Be greeted with a new welcome message that displays the system version in use.
- Users will now be notified when they do not belong to any program after login.
List Manager
- Loading time for seed lists’ preview window is now faster.
Seed Search
- Exporting data in the working list is now supported.
- Minimum and maximum values can now be seen in the Scale tab of a selected trait’s View modal window.
Data Collection
- Be alerted by an error status when background processes fail.
Service Management (NEW)
Request Manager
A more definitive interface is featured in this improved tool, where breeders and service providers transact. Breeders can create, search, edit, delete, and track the progress of their service requests, while service providers can now decide whether to modify, download, approve, and reject them. Genotyping analysis is also supported as a service type. The Request Manager is synchronized with the tools in the Core Breeding domain to support information retrieval of germplasm records involved in the requests.
Genotyping Service Manager
This tool provides an overview of all genotyping service requests made by multiple breeders from various CGIAR organizations. A more efficient and cost-effective way to manage and process requests are made possible in this tool through the option of batch processing. Laboratory service teams can now also handle Intertek genotyping service requests.
Batch Manager
Laboratory service teams can now compile and process similar service requests in bulk through the Batch Manager tool. This tool works closely with configurations done in the Genotyping Service Manager, ensuring an efficient and seamless workflow. Auto-populated Intertek and AgriPlex vendor documents can also be downloaded from this tool.
Germplasm can now be shared with collaborators via the new Shipment tool in the Service Management domain. Features such as adding, replacing, deleting entries in a germplasm list, checking its Material Transfer Agreement (MTA) status, specifying the volume and package counts, and uploading of pertinent documents are enabled. The tool also allows adding and replying to shipment notes.
Breeding Analytics
Breeding Analytics Services
Statistical analyses are a key element in a Breeding Trial experiment. The Breeding Analytics Services domain executes randomization services using “Design Models” and run statistical software using “Analysis Models”.
Experiment Design Support
The Experiment Design Support enabled two new designs, RCBD and IBD, for breeding trials in the On-Farm Trial stage. These designs enable users to specify the block number, as well as the block sizes in IBD. Plot numbers can now also be assigned in rows for the RCBD, Alpha Lattice, Row-Column, and Augmented RCBD trial designs.
Analysis Request Manager (NEW)
The Analysis Request Manager tool now has an improved look and better usability through its new navigation buttons, grid configurations, and selection options, allowing for more efficient workflows. The landing page displays the List of Jobs Created, which can now be filtered depending on the request status. A new icon is also displayed when occurrence/s in an experiment do not have traits ready for analysis yet.
Experiment Analysis (NEW)
Single Experiment Analysis
The Single Experiment Analysis for single and multi-location is now supported. Configuration files for RCBD, Alpha Lattice, Row-Column, and Augmented RCBD is also ready for use. Calculation of heritability per univariate job, as well as ASReml-R models with genotype as random effect can now be executed.
Core System
Tenant Management
A tenant is a set of permissions making up an instance in the EBS. Adding, managing, and deleting tenants are now supported in this tool. Enabled by Role-based Access Control, administrators can grant and limit tenant permissions to all or some domains and functionalities. These permissions follow a hierarchal order, depending on the level of access to be granted.
User Management (NEW)
Administrators can now add, manage, and delete users and roles via this tool. They can also assign users to roles, tenants, and organizations upon profile creation or update, depending on the extent of access to be granted to a user. As with the Tenant Management tool, permissions follow the Role-based Access Control. Filtering users assigned to a tenant is also supported, as well as setting up user preferences.
Contact Relationship Management (NEW)
Information of users and institutions can be created, stored, and managed in this tool. Administrators and other permitted users can upload user contacts in bulk through the Import People functionality. They can also connect institutions with their customers by creating a contact group and defining relationships between them. Donor, Collaborator, Vendor, or User are contact classifications that are supported in the tool. Sending reports to contacts is an added functionality, which can also be configured to be sent at a later time and date.
Printout (NEW)
Aside from its printing functionality, administrators and other permitted users can also create, edit, design, and delete reports, labels, tags, and templates in this tool. This tool also supports Core Breeding tools, where printouts are an integral part of the workflow.