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EBS 6 release notes

The 6th version of the Enterprise Breeding System (EBS) promises a more optimized breeding experience with the all-new Inventory Manager in Core Breeding, as well as the new Shipment Manager and messaging capabilities in Core System. The Service Management domain has also enabled a repository of genotypic data, while the Breeding Analytics domain features a Phenotypic Data Manager designed to guide users in their breeding decisions.

Core System


Print jobs using Printronix is now supported for the Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT). Specialized templates for labels, tags, and field books have been created for wheat. The tool have been integrated in the Core Breeding domain, where selection of templates and file types are now supported. More than a hundred pages can also be generated at each time.

Shipment Manager (New)

This tool supports the creation and management of outgoing seed shipment transactions by authorized users, as its permissions follow the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). The tool also supports the upload and download of internal and external requirements related to the transaction. At the click of a name, the sender, requestor, and recipient details are quickly populated based on the information saved in the Contact Relationship Manager tool.

User Management

This is an authoritative source for EBS user information. Its data browser feature a new status column to indicate if user profiles are active or not. The user list can now also be filtered by organization and role. Error messages for failed login attempts will also vary depending on the user’s roles.

Messaging (New)

This new feature lets users send and receive direct messages within the Core System, Service Management, and Breeding Analytics domains. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) also configures access to this capability. Notifications are also configured in the form of alerts, messages, and actions.

Contact Relationship Manager

The tool have included diverse options when specifying the non-mandatory field of gender, as well as more address categories. Each user profile can now be assigned to multiple purposes and linked to institutional addresses. New profiles can also be quickly designated as EBS members using a new data field. The tool also notifies an authorized user when a profile being created is a duplicate.

Core Breeding

Inventory Manager (New)

Internal seed transfer is among the newly enabled functionality in this tool. It allows users to send and receive seed packages from one program to another that uses the same crop. The tool also allows EBS administrators to create and update seed and package records, where up to 10,000 records can be processed in a single transaction.

Experiment Creation

The tool supports new features to improve experiment creation workflows. A Cross Pattern subtab is now enabled for Intentional Crossing Nursery experiments, where pairs and triplets can be crossed. RCBD, Augmented RCBD, and P-REP designs generated outside EBS can now be uploaded and used to proceed with the creation process. The Site tab now features the Site List button to
quickly populate occurrence sites for Breeding Trial and Observation experiments. Package labels can now also be selected when adding entries using the Input List, while reordering entries individually or in groups is also supported.

Planting Instructions Manager

The tool now supports more functionalities to ensure a smoother workflow. Filler packages and germplasm can be used to replace
entries in a packing job. This feature also supports bulk replacement of entries with the same germplasm, as well as a modal window that keeps a log of the replacements. The Printout tool has also been configured in the data browser to enable printing of reports and templates using preferred file types. The status of a packing job can also be easily updated by users.

Seed Search

The tool expanded its input options to accommodate searches using germplasm, seed, and package codes. Single-package search
results can now also be selected quickly using the Automatic Selection feature, while the Retain Selection feature grays out results that were selected and added to the working list. The search results data browser also include information on each record’s Materials Transfer Agreement (MTA) and the Routine Seed Health Testing (RSHT) details. A new working list page is also enabled, letting users create package lists.

Experiment Manager

This tool’s occurrence management was enhanced through the feature of adding occurrences for breeding trial and observation
experiments. An entry can now also be replaced with a check, filler, or germplasm at the occurrence level using a new button, while
data collection summary reports can now be downloaded per occurrence. In the Plot tab, trait data are now color-coded to indicate their status as in the Data Collection tool. The tool also serves as the entry point for the Breeding Analytics domain’s Phenotypic Data Manager tool.

Data Collection

The tool allows for a more seamless data collection process with the Core Breeding BrAPI (Breeding API) that is integrated with the
Field Book application. It also improves on existing functionalities in the Quality Control tab, such as displaying additional information for each plot, bulk update, advanced sorting, and personalized grid configuration. Tool performance when collecting data for large datasets is also more stable and consistent. The value “NA” can now be used to indicate missing data, while the maximum file upload size has also been upgraded from 2MB to 25MB.


Germplasm pedigree information is now featured in the tool, where users can also export it in Helium format. The tool was also
optimized to support users processing large datasets, as well as provide more information on searches.

Harvest Manager

The tool is optimized to support more harvest use cases. Fixed maize materials can now be harvested using the individual ear method, while not fixed wheat materials can use the Single Plant Selection and Bulk harvest method. The bulk harvest method is also enabled for hybrid formation crosses. Family member records of crosses and plots are created automatically upon harvest.

Breeding Analytics

Phenotypic Data Manager (New)

This new tool lets users assess phenotypic data before running an analysis. Its data browser, menu bar, and toolbar is enabled with the usual EBS functionalities. The tool also readily displays plots and their trait data, computed statistics, and highlighted outliers. Among  the supported actions are suppression and unsuppression of outliers, and bulk processing.

Analysis Request Manager

Analysis requests can now be created for experiments with occurrences bearing the status PLANTED and/or TRAIT DATA COLLECTED, and whose experimental design is either the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) or Alpha-Lattice. The tool also generates a unique name for each analysis request. All trait variables can also be selected for an analysis request. Downloading of analysis reports for multi experiment analysis is also supported in this release.

Statistical Design Models (New)

Validation rules are now in place for uploaded RCBD, Augmented RCBD, and P-REP randomization result files generated outside EBS. Plot numbering for designs using a block dimension whose field order is either row or column serpentine is also improved. Descriptions of trial designs are now also provided in the Experiment Creation tool in Core Breeding domain upon selection.

Service Management

Request Manager

This supports the workflows of three external service providers; namely, Agriplex, DArT, and Intertek for genotyping service requests. Plot and package lists can also be imported from the Core Breeding domain. Breeders are allowed to specify the tissue type for their requests and download the Intertek result files via the data browser thereafter. The tool also highlights a more accurate and consistent user interface.

Genotyping Service Manager

This tool allows laboratory managers to view, accept, modify, and reject submitted genotyping service requests. More flexibility is also afforded to laboratory managers and team members by removing the “Data Estimated By” field among the required information. This tool also serves as the gateway to the Batch Manager tool.

Batch Manager

Laboratory managers can now delete and edit batches, with the latter functionality also supporting the replacement of a marker panel and the replacement of a sample with a blank. Samples are now differentiated by color in the plate layout, where internal controls can also be assigned and specified. The data browser have also enabled downloading of submitted batches and uploading of results files.

Gigwa (New)

This new feature is a repository of genotypic data. This is where genotyping result files are stored once it is uploaded by laboratory managers in the Batch Manager tool. Breeders can then download the results files in the Request Manager tool. Its permissions are also configured by the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).

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